Fauna - Satpura Tiger Reserve

Since the tract consists of Varying altitudes, topography climate and forests, it also contains almost all the wildlife species found in the Central India. There are 52 species of mammals, 300 species of birds and 31 species of reptiles are found here. Nature has endowed this area with luxuriant flora and rich fauna. Tiger, Panther, Gaur, Sambar, Cheetal, Barking deer, Chausingha, Chinkara, Bluebull, Wild boar, Sloth bear, Hyena are seen easily. The small carnivore include Jungle cat, Palm civet and small Indian civet. There are two important arboreal mammals the Indian Giant squirrel and the large brown flying squirrel. The only record of Leaf nosed bat (Rhinopus lucdus) in central India is around the Pachmarhi plateau. Important reptiles are fresh water crocodile, the monitor lizard and Indian soft shell turtle.

Panthers were in abundance and bear common. Sambar was the commonest deer. At present a project for re introduction or Barasingha is in progress at Bori. The Indian Bison is found on high hill and slopes.

The bird life varied specially in the area adjoining cultivation Peafowl, Grey jungle fowl, Green pigeon, Peacock were common in the forests, while Grey partridges, several types of quails, Snipes and other water birds are found in the open area and water bodies.

The several sand stone cliffs around Pachmarhi plateau provide diverse habitat. The edges along the cliffs are significant resting and roasting sites of long billed vulture (Gyps indicus) and white Rumped vulture (Gyps Bengalensis). Like wise such large cracks have colonies of bats. Prominent among them Fruit bat, Flying fox and short nose Fruit bat.

The riparian areas constitute the most important habitat for the Indian giant squirrel. The large crowned tall trees with continuous canopy are ideal for supporting their population, providing nesting sites and access to fruit trees. The species occurs in valley portion of Tiger Reserve and performs a significant function of dispersal of wild fruits and seeds.

Fish of various types also found in large number in the streams and rivers. In the deeper holes even up to some elevation crocodiles were reported to have been seen in Sonbhadra River.

Satpura Tiger Reserve Mammals

Being a part of unique eco-system, Satpura Tiger Reserve is very rich in bio-diversity. Its fauna comprises Spotted Deer, Indian Bison(Gaur), Tigers, Leopards, Wild boar, Wild dog (locally called Dholes), Sloth bear, Black buck (unique attraction), Porcupine, Sambhar, four Horned antelopes (Chowsingha), Smooth otter, Pangolin, Marsh crocodile, Languars etc. Indian Giant squirrel is the special feature of Satpura Tiger Reserve as it is rare in India now. Sighting of Leopards, Gaurs,Wild Dog, Sloth Bear is good in comparison to other Tiger Reserve of Central India.


List of mammals commonly seen in Satpura reserve during jungle safari.

1.Indian Grey Wolf
----------Captured through Camera Trap
2.Black Buck
Antilope cervicapra
Sighting is good if targetted specifically.
3.Indian Wild Dogs (Dholes)
Cuon alpinus
Sighting is good if targetted specifically.
4.Gaur (Indian Bison)
Bos gaurus
Good sighting.
5.Sloth Bear
Melursus ursinus
Good seasonal sighting.
Panthera pardus
Moderate sighting. Good in compare to nearby tiger reserves.
7.Indian Wild Boar
Sus scrofa
Good sighting.
8.Spotted Deer (Cheetal)
Axis axis
Good sighting.
9.Barking Deer (Munjtac)
Muntiacus muntjak
Moderate sighting.
10.Four-horned Antelope
Tetracerus quadricornis
Moderate sighting.
Cervus unicolor
Good sighting.
Panthera tigris
Moderate sighting.
13.The Indian giant squirrel
Ratufa indica
Moderate Sighting.
14.Flying Squirrel
Rare sighting.
15.Three Stripped Palm Squirrel
Funambulus palmarum
Good sighting.
16.Common Mongoose
Herpestes edwardsil
Good sighting.
17.Indian Pipistrelle
Pipistrellus corom andra
Moderate sighting.
18.Small Indian Civet
Viverricula indica
Good sighting in early morning or late evening.
19.Indian Flying Fox
Pteropus giganetus
Moderate sighting.
20.Rehesus Macaque
Macaca mulatta
Good sighting.
21.Hanuman Langurs
Semnopithecus entellus
Good sighting.
22.Golden Jackal
Canis aureus
Good sighting.
23.Stipped Hyaena
Hyaena hyaena
Moderate sighting.
24.Asiatic Wildcat
Felis silvestris ornata
Moderate sighting.
25.Jungle Cat
Felis chaus
Good sighting.
26.Rusty Spotted Cat
Prionailurus rubiginosus
Moderate sighting.
27.Blacknaped Hare
Lepus nigricollis
Good sighting.
28.Blue Bull (Nilgai)
Boselaphus tragocamelus
Good sighting.
29.Indian Porcupine
Hystrix indica
Good sighting.
30.Indian Pipistrelle
Pipistrellus corom andra
Moderate sighting.

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